Every entrepreneur needs smart technological means in order to manage their businesses with more accuracy and rates of success. Whether these are planning or scheduling apps, maybe customer relations ones, they all come to make the daily tasks of an entrepreneur easier and more enjoyable.

Needless to say, the app pool available out there is very generous, which means that many need some guidance in order to discern between those. Below is a list of several apps that will definitely help entrepreneurs have easier lives.


Salesforce is an intelligent app that empowers entrepreneurs to reach closer to their clients, and at the same time, to run their business fromtheir smartphones. This smart app concentrates a complete client database, which allows business owners to create a more client-orientated type of business. Because it forecasts all client information needed for this type of business, it has plenty of smart tools that will enable you to create a more comprehensive marketing, sales and customer relations strategies. Moreover, this smart app has business analysis tools integrated with success, which allow business owners, regardless of the nature of their establishment, to get a deeper insight of their businesses.
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MyCuts app is an app specifically developed to meet the requirements of hair salon owners and managers. Because traditional ways of scheduling clients have proved themselves quite ineffective a team of skilful web developers created an app which allows hair salon owners or managers to make appointments in a simple fashion. It can be integrated into all operating systems, and it is smartphone friendly as well. Not only this app is working its magic when it comes to scheduling clients, but it also has integrated other smart features.

An inventory tool will analyse and alert managers and employees when certain products are running out of stock, and the client management tool also integrated into this smart app will help the business increase their client referrals. This will allow all employees to personalise each client’s experience.
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This app amazes through its simplicity. The app is developed for those who want to keep a closer eye on their time and helps those manage it with more success. It also eliminates the need for the old-fashioned timesheets and it can be used via a browser, computer, laptop or even smartphone. This app certainly makes time tracking easier than other similar apps available on the market.
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Similar to its more popular fellow app, Box is a smart app that allows you to share files and documents in a simple fashion. You can select with whom you share these files and documents. Collaborators, colleagues or clients, simply choose which file must be shared with whom. All files and documents can be created, edited and reviewed as needed, without any limitations.
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With an incredibly suggestive name, this app is truly a goldmine for all entrepreneurs that have to juggle with multiple passwords. Luckily, this app will store those for you, safely. Remembering passwords won’t be an issue with this little gem! It can be integrated into your browser, and all passwords will be protected!
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5 Apps Every Entrepreneur Needs in Their Lives
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