Google says, “Win every micro-moment with a better mobile strategy” and we think businesses could actually relate to this. In the present time and age, no business could think of success without going mobile when on average a person checks phone 150 times a day.

The same research quotes that mobile phones have decreased the time of the consumer’s decision journey. Which means consumers are now taking less time than usual to buy anything online. 91% of users consult their phone in the middle of the shopping task for more ideas about the product. And, 82% of smartphone users consult their phone before making a final decision of purchase.

Considering the wide user base and adaptability of mobile apps amongst the masses, 70% of brands are now adapting their business to rise on mobile apps. When coming to the need formobile apps for e-commerce then the data says that 89% of users are preferring mobile retails apps for shopping rather than going for a mobile website.

And, not only this. By the year 2021 mobile e-commerce sale is expected to surpass 72% of total retail sales (a Statista report).

So, keeping into account the large user base, it is necessary for the e-commerce businesses to develop their own mobile app. A mobile app definitely aids the business by generating more revenue but at the same time, it eases the browsing and interaction of the user with the product and business.

And, this is a reason we have come up with this article to highlight the benefit of e-commerce app both from the perspective of businesses and users.

Benefits of E-Commerce App for Business

Deeper Analytics:
Through the mobile app businesses can have a better view of customer’s choices and preferences. The data can help them analyze customer behavior. For instance, they can know at which product most of the shoppers are stopping, which category is more searched, the price filter most of the users are commonly using, etc.

Using the data collected from user’s actions businesses can improve their business tactics.

Easy Reachability:
With a mobile app you can reach to your customers anywhere and anytime. No matter whether it is the middle of the night or early morning, users can interact with your business through the app with complete ease.
Even if you don’t have an assistant to deal with the user’s query or concern in the non-working hours, you can set AI enabled chatbot to handle such requirements.

Customer Retention Ratio is High: It is very easy to retain your customers when you have a mobile app. Sending them a notification about the latest offers and deals would lure them to check your app. This cannot be the same on an e-commerce website.

For instance, you can send e-mail for your upcoming offer but only a few would check your website and the reason being there is no surety when the user would access the e-mail. On the other hand, mobile devices are handy hence there is hardly any chance of notification ignorance.
Huge Revenue:Let’s talk about the greatest business benefit of mobile apps for e-commerce, it helps them to earn great revenue. Statista report says that by the year 2020 mobile apps are going to generate a revenue of $188 billion and e-commerce apps are going to share a great revenue in this for sure.

After the travel apps, it is the shopping apps only which have generated more revenue for the businesses. There are numerous reasons for this like; it provides the user with ease in finding products, browsing through the different categories and make online payment easily.

Benefits of E-Commerce Apps for Users

Shopping at Ease:
Apart from million of benefits which e-commerce app provides to the user, the best one is the comfort in shopping the things. Research by Disruptiveanalyzed that mobile apps are a popular choice for the millennials for shopping because of the instant access, round-the-clock accessibility, and fast turnaround.

Attractive Offers and Discounts:
It is easier to find discounts and offers in a mobile app than a website. E-commerce mobile app keeps on hitting the customer through offer and discount notifications. Even there are few e-commerce apps which works smartly on this.
They track the user behavior in the app and then offer the user with a personalized offer. This strategy helps many e-commerce apps to increase the probability of business conversion.

For instance, if a user is looking flower for mother’s day and browsing through the categories with many filters, the app owner can track the activity and can offer personalized offer like ‘special mother’s day discount of 50% just for you’ to lure the user.

Choices to Compare:
Mobile apps provide the user with the freedom to compare products from thousands of options available. For instance, if a person is looking for a smartphone in a certain budget limit then the app would provide the options which are available along with the comparison of features of different devices. The user can hence make the decision easily.

However, if the user wishes to compare the product via retail shops, it could become a tiresome task for him/her. There are high chances that he/she needs to visit different outlets to see the specifications of different products.

Multiple Payment Options:
Users have the choice to make payment through their favorite option when they are shopping through mobile apps. This is because most of the apps come with multiple payment options like debit card, credit card, net banking, Amazon Pay, PayPal, etc.

This not only encourages the local customers but global customers too can make easy online shopping through mobile apps. According to a report, Paypal transactions have 70% higher checkout rates than non-Paypal transactions it is definitely because the payment method is one of the favorites of the users.

The EndNote

Without any doubt, we can say that mobile apps have simplified our lives. When it comes to shopping, it has provided users to buy things from their own comfort level. This means users don’t need to stand in the long queue of billing to buy things.
Along with this, business is taking benefits from mobile apps by analyzing customer navigation and purchasing behavior and hence improving the marketing strategy.

The credit to all these goes to credible mobile app development services providers who helped businesses to come up with such apps which would not only provide great user interface but would display the product in the best possible manner.

How E-Commerce Mobile Apps are Benefiting Both Businesses and Users
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