For a long time, the production of content on the Internet mirrored what was done in offline media. There are plenty of examples of portals and blogs that reproduced the same texts that were published in newspapers and magazines.

Over the years and with the massive increase in content production on the web, the scenario was gradually modified. Professionals began to personalize digital content more, inserting internal links in the body of the article, creating more striking headlines, optimizing posts for search engines and other important techniques.

However, a detail that is still overlooked by many professionals is in relation to the structure of the content itself – speaking of business blogs, specifically.

Anyone who produces content for the Internet needs to be aware that the reader’s behavior is not the same as when he is reading a newspaper or a book. On the Internet, people are much more subject to interruptions and, therefore, read much more dynamically than in other media. In fact, there are great chances that many people will not be reading this excerpt and jump straight to the development of the article (if you read it, comment below, in this case, we would love to be wrong).

Therefore, a detail that helps a lot in the production of content for blogs is having a predefined post structure. This not only helps the author to organize the content better but also in productivity since it is much easier to develop ideas when they are clearly stated.

Interesting Titles

The post title is what defines whether people will click on your content link or not. One of the things we recommend is that you think about your title only after writing the text, so as not to cause a break in expectation. Once the article is ready, it is easier to create a title that is well related to the content and that, in addition, is attractive. The same goes for the abstract or thin line (that phrase used just below the title to explain the idea of ​​the post a little better).

An important tip is that you can use different titles and abstracts for the different channels that you use to promote your post. If you use WordPress, you can use the Yoast plugin for this purpose. It allows you to use a title and a summary for SEO (Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Optimization), another for the blog and yet another for social networks.

And why is this important? Because in this way you can optimize the headings for the keyword with a focus on Google search (which usually need to be shorter), as well as longer and slightly more striking headlines for social networks.

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When we talk about reading on the Internet, many people still relate this reading to that of a book. But that’s not how it works. Contrary to what happens in books, if you blog a long, blunt block of text, people will likely ignore your message.

That’s because, in the online world, people tend to be multitasking. At the same time that they visit your website, chat with friends on a social network, answer your emails, search for information on search engines, etc.

Therefore, it is necessary to create mechanisms so that your readers are able to obtain the information easily, in order to maintain interest in your content. Otherwise, they can abandon your page. And what can you do to make your content more scannable?

Break the text into short paragraphs;
1. Use subtitles;
2. Use bullet points (like these);
3. Use bold, italics, quotes and other styles (but be careful not to pollute the text);
4. Incorporate other media (images, videos, audios, tweets, Facebook and Instagram posts).
5. A simple way to develop topics is to write posts in list formats.

A great example for long-form formats – which is recommended if you want to increase the time that visitors spend on your website – outline what they are about to find. For example, app development companies are doing it well, as tech topics tend to be more complex.

After the end of the text, it is often recommended to use a CTA just below the post. This is because, at the end of the reading, it is recommended to take the reader to carry out some action within your site to guide you through the purchase journey.

How to Write Better Blog Posts and Increase Organic Traffic
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