Users with modern browsers are increasing each day and making use of features like HTML5 video and, for sound, HTML5 audio is gaining ground for sure. HTML5 video is awesome and makes consuming video on multiple devices so easy.

Displaying video on websites is both easy and hard as a good video experience usually requires a custom-styled, cross-browser and fast player. This is why we have composed a list of some of the Best HTML5 Video Players for developers that will help you to play your favorite videos on any sites instantly.

Note : We have not included Youtube, Vimeo, Sublime and other popular HTML5 video players as they are already popular, our aim is to bring new and latest tools to our audience which they can use for their projects.

So, here is the list of Best HTML5 Video Players.

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1. Plyr

Plyr is a simple HTML5 media player with custom controls and WebVTT captions. It’s a lightweight, accessible and customisable media player that just supports modern browsers. Sure, there are many other players out there but they made it to keep things simple, using the right elements for the job. There is full support for captions and screen readers.

2. HTML5 Video Gallery with Live Playlist

html5 video gallery
HTMl5 Video Gallery is an amazing video player which comes with numerous outstanding features and functions. It supports mixing of both self hosted videos and Youtube media, supports video adverts before, during and after main video playback, and timed inline HTML elements over the player area at specific times during the playback.

3. Ultimate Video Player

Ultimate Video Player
Ultimate Video Player is a powerful responsive video player that can play local videos, streaming videos from a server or Youtube videos. It only requires the mp4 format (the best and most used format on the web) and it will work on mobile devices and desktop machines no matter which browser is used including older browsers like IE8, this is made possible by incorporating four video engines into the Ultimate Video Player.

Basically it has built-in a HTML5 Youtube video engine, normal video engine, flash Youtube video engine and flash normal video engine. Ultimate Video Player supports unlimited playlists and each playlist can have unlimited videos. The playlists can be loaded from a simple HTML markup, XML file, video folder or youtube playlist.

4. VideoJS

VideoJS is an HTML5 Video Player with 3 core parts: An embed code (Video for Everybody), a Javascript library (video.js), and a pure HTML/CSS skin (video-js.css). Using Video for Everybody as the embed code means you know it’s compatible with many devices (including ones without javascript).

The javascript library fixes browser & device bugs, and makes sure your video is even more compatible across different browser versions. The pure HTML5/CSS skin ensures a consistent look between HTML5 browsers, and easy custom skinning if you want to give it a specific look, or brand it with your own colors.

5. jPlayer

jPlayer is the completely free and open source (GPL/MIT) media library written in JavaScript. A jQuery plugin, jPlayer allows you to rapidly weave cross platform audio and video into your web pages. jPlayer’s comprehensive API allows you to create innovative media solutions while support and encouragement is provided by jPlayer’s active and growing community.

It is easy to get started and deploy in minutes. It’s totally customizable and skinnable using HTML and CSS. It has been tested on Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9.

6. Videogular

Videogular is an HTML5 video game player for AngularJS that includes bindable properties, and an API for developing your own plugins. It includes native fullscreen support, as well as mobile support.

7. jQuery HTML5 Video Player

jquery html5 video player
This is a fantastic HTML5 video player based on jQuery JavaScript Library. This script doesn’t require any extra Browser Plugins to display HTML5 videos. It features a beautiful and unified UI on all desktop browsers and supports fullscreen in Window Mode.

8. Flowplayer

Flowplayer, the popular HTML5 video player powering 450k+ sites all over the web, offers a great experience with a completely customizable feature set.

The player does that perfectly with HTML5 by default and falling back to Flash when needed. Flowplayer encodes from three to eight different resolutions. These include lower quality for slow connections and higher quality elsewhere. Video quality is automatically adjusted based on the connection speed. Flowplayer uses a Flash fallback to guarantee that HLS works across all browsers.

9. Amalia.js

Amalia.js is a new extensible and versatile HTML5 multimedia player that allows you to view any type of metadata along with your video or audio streams. It follows the responsive design guidelines.

The easiest way to integrate the amalia.js player in your application is to use the fully packaged version. All the third party libraries are provided along with the player code in two simple files for javascript and css parts. You will find the amalia.js libraries in the build directory and the dependencies in the bower_components directory.

10. HTML5 Fullscreen Gallery

html5 gallery
This is a full HTML5 script. But don’t worry because it works just as good in older Internet Explorer browsers. This script is flexible and perfect feature for showcasing great photography while displaying subtle text/description on the bottom. Using this script is really simple. It comes with emotion evoking piano background music and a minimalistic two level sticky menu down the bottom. All colors can be altered via the CSS stylesheet.

This script never shows a half loading image. It instead shows a beautiful loading message before fading the picture into the screen. Music is played via the HTML5 audio tag which falls back to Flash music player for incompatible browsers.

11. Ultimate Video Player with Youtube Vimeo HTML5 Ads

Ultimate Video Player with youtube html5 ads
Ultimate video player is powerful responsive video player with right side or bottom Gallery which support most popular video types available!

HTML5 (mp4) videos, videos from YouTube and videos from Vimeo as well. Player have built-in advertising system as pre-roll ads (each video can have own ad, each video ad can be enabled/disabled). Player has integrated YouTube API and Vimeo API so you can play any video from YouTube and Vimeo platforms beside your mp4/webm videos!

12. Chameleon

HTML5 Video is one of the coolest new features of HTML5. However, Internet Explorer doesn’t offer the fullscreen experience that we’re all used to, and if you want to use HTML5 video in Firefox, you have to create additional videos because it doesn’t support the mp4 file type.

Chameleon solves these important challenges with its intuitive Flash backup. When a browser can’t go fullscreen, the Flash backup is used. And if you don’t want to create additional video files just for Firefox, Chamelon gives you the option to use the Flash backup instead.

13. MediaElement.js

MediaElement.js is a jQuery plugin which enables you to use the video tag with one H.264 file (you can also include OGG or WebM, but you don’t have to). If the player doesn’t support it, the plugin replaces the player with a Flash or Silverlight-powered one. There is also MediaElementPlayer.js for building a complete player that looks and functions the same in all browsers.

14. Elite Player

Elite video player
Elite Video Player is modern, responsive, fully customisable high-end video player that support advertising and the most popular video platforms like YouTube, Vimeo or self-hosting videos (mp4).

Elite video player can play any youtube video, import youtube playlists or even user channels. You can use default YouTube player or YouTube player with custom controls.

15. HTML5 Responsive Video Player & Advertising

html5 responsive video player & advertising
This is HTML5 Video Player with/without advertisement system. You can use player to play advertisement video before your main video, and also you can have popup advertisement at any time you want during playback. Advertisement can be removed. Player look is customizable via CSS, so you can easily customize colors and adjust it to your needs. Player is resizeable so it fits perfectly in every website design.

HTML5 Video Players for Displaying Your Videos
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