It is an ongoing debate, or possibly a somewhat unanswerable question, what makes a brand popular? How do you make a mark with something as simple as a logo and reach the instantly recognizable heights of brands like Nike with a mere swoosh or Apple with a semi-eaten fruit?

Branding, as we well know, is very important. Pay-per-click (PPC) marketers know that brand advertising via PPC can have a significant effect on profits as well as brand success.

So what are the best ways to leverage a PPC campaign to raise brand awareness and strength? Let’s discuss.

Guiding the selection process

A good brand has a clear definition of who their audience is. The problem we face in today’s climate, however, is grabbing the attention of said audience, especially when there is so much competition attempting the same task.

Assuming you are not from Nike or Apple (if you are is everything ok?) then you are likely trying to build your audience. So to make it easier for them to choose you, you have to make things easier for them, period. To achieve this, we start with your ad messaging, which is really just an understanding of the basics.

Try to avoid broad site links, or even worse, too many links. Pick either the product page, social media, or your website. We don’t want to overly confuse people early on. From here, your copy is crucial.

Use your ad messaging to share information about the product or service, and not necessarily your brand. Being helpful to potential customers by offering the information they need will yield benefits for your business and brand down the track. Your ad copy should present you as an expert while helping someone out. If you have the information they need, and that is made clear, you will stand out from the pack.

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Create trust with open lines of communication

No one likes customer complaints, but how you handle them, and how quickly, is a crucial pillar of establishing trust in your brand.

To take this one step further, you can anticipate the issue by running a PPC campaign on complaint keywords within your industry. This positions you as the solution when potential customers head to Google with a problem.

Offer a number they can call or email address where they can chat about the issue and receive some tips from the experts (you). It’s a win-win, and the keywords are likely low-cost. You can take this further again by being the option that arises when complaints about the leaders of your industry are made. Just ensure you never down-talk the competition, you are just a reliable brand that is on hand when they make a mistake.

PPC can intersect with content marketing, as it is the fastest and most-efficient to get the content out (and seen). Find the terms that work with your content and structure your campaign around the question. If you sell electric cars, anticipate questions like “how long will an electric car run for?” The research stage of the customer journey is a great place to start the sale.

If you can show potential customers that you are there to help, and have experience and knowledge in your field in a cost-effective way, it’s all wins.

Reward the loyalty you are trying to obtain

It’s a no-brainer that customers will stick with brands who recognize their commitment. Rewarding customers is a great way to encourage future sales; it’s like a little reminder that they already have chosen your products, so they may as well stick with you.

Over time this makes your selling process much easier. Do lovers of Rolex need to be convinced of new models with design changes or is the fact that it’s a Rolex enough?

Loyalty rewards go hand-in-hand with remarketing, sites like eBay use this tactic all the time with emails that show products similar to past ones you have purchased or a discount code if you haven’t bought anything in a while. This also works well if your products need re-stocking, for example, a company that sells hairspray may know how long a can of their product lasts, so can target customers with a loyalty offer when the time for a top-up draws near. From the customer’s point-of-view that’s excellent timing! A discount code just as they needed more hairspray? Awesome.

Drawing the brand loyalty from competition, based on their process can also be an effective move. Be aware of their product launches and announcements and attempt to position yourself with the happenings of your industry. If you can show people how much your respect and reward your customers, they may be more likely to jump ship. Phone companies do this all the time when a new device is released.

The PPC channel is an effective way to execute your marketing strategy and share information about your brand; you just need to be creative and think outside of the box a little.

How to Leverage a PPC Campaign to Strengthen and Amplify Your Brand
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