We have read in the newspaper or heard it over television about people being struck by lightning. Some are fortunate to survive the lightning strike but some unfortunately have been killed by lightning. We may think that the person was just unlucky being struck by lightning just because we think that it will never happen to us, not knowing that lighting strikes are common.

We have been warned to stay indoors when there is sign of thunderstorm or when the sky turns dark. If we happened to be outdoor in the open, we are not to take shelter under any trees. Lightning storms are common and lightning is dangerous, causing serious injuries or even death. Lightning activity and hotspots are commonly found in regions that experience hot and humid weather.

Lightning is very unpredictable because it is hard to know when and where it is likely to strike. We need specially designed lightning alert devices to constantly detect atmospheric electrical activity and the potential for lightning occurrence through radar and other methods. Once the thunderstorm electrical fields is detected, the lightning alert devices can predict a track to allow ample time for warnings before lightning strikes that particular area.

Lightning can destroy lives, buildings, forests and cause inconveniences such as power outages and etc. Lightning detection network is able to pick up lightning outside of thunderstorm because lightning can happen without a thunderstorm. Lightning has been detected during hurricanes, heavy snowstorms, and even during volcanic eruptions. There are various ways lightning can occur such as from “cloud to cloud”, “cloud to air”, “cloud to ground”, or “within a cloud”. Lightning can appear in various forms such as “a streak lightning”, “a glowing ball”, and it can be fast or slow or stationary, and sometimes exploding with a loud bang.

As a safety precaution, whenever we see dark cloud looming in the distance and we can feel the wind picking up slightly, it is best to leave whatever we have been doing and immediately make our way indoors. We will never know when the sudden flash of lightning followed by a loud crash of thunder will happen. It is always wise to be cautious and have some common sense in times of possible thunderstorm taking place.

Buildings have grounding paths and are generally safe lightning shelters to provide maximum safety during a thunderstorm. Once indoors, we are not to use any wired appliance except cordless devices. Avoid taking bath, shower, and stay away from water pipes and faucets. Avoid standing on wet ground or near any electrical wiring. Places such as bus shelters and etc. do not provide any lightning protection. If possible, get into a car, roll up the windows and avoid touching the metal parts of the car.

Modern airports use highly advanced and customized airport weather station equipment to help them monitor weather condition all over the world to protect their crew, passengers and their planes. Airports need real time weather information and reports for their planes to take off and for safe landing, as well as for their planes to fly smoothly and safely while in the air.

Lightning Alert Devices to Detect Lightning Activity Around Us
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