A lot many frameworks and libraries have entered the JavaScript world and set the foundation for a new era – replacing the existing ones. However, the two Javascript frameworks that have been glued to their positions are React and Angular. They are in the market for past few years and have also been predicted to be in the list of Top JavaScript Frameworks for 2019.

Considering this, it is likely that you might be excited to hear which one among the two holds more opportunities for a better future. So, here I’m with a detailed comparison between these two popular Javascript frameworks, beginning with a brief introduction.

AngularJS Framework

Angular.js (also called AngularJS) is a Javascript-based open-source front-end development framework backed by Google. It is one of the oldest frameworks brought into existence for encouraging developing single page applications.

React Javascript Framework

React or React.js is an open-source JavaScript library that is behind the success of impressive UI of Facebook and Instagram. Though being a library, it is far ahead of other JS frameworks because of its efficiency for building dynamic large-scale apps with higher traffic.

React vs Angular: A Comparative Guide to Popular JavaScript Frameworks

Learning Curve
Though being the oldest member of the family, learning Angular is not everyone’s cup of tea. The Javascript (JS) technology has a complex and fixed structure since it is based on MVC (Model, View, Controller) style. This makes it difficult for the developers to take a command over Angular front-end development.

Whereas, React is quite easier to understand and work with, once the React app developers get acquainted with the one-way flow. Besides, the technology has a comparatively shorter and simpler life cycle making it easier for the developers to adopt React – might be because React lacks the Model and Controller layers. It only has the view layer and relies on Flux for controlling the web/mobile application workflow.

Data Binding
Angular JavaScript technology uses a two-way data binding mechanism. Under this, if an end user interacts with an input Field and serves with any value to the app, both the View and Model layer will be updated. This might sound great from the perspective to cut down the amount of boilerplate code for creating interactions, but have an adverse impact on the app performance and complexity.

Whereas, React works on a one-way data binding style. With the help of Flux, the Javascript framework enables data flow in a particular direction, making it easier for one to understand when and where the data has been updated. This keeps the React code complexity under control and aids the development team to easily debug self-contained components of React apps.

Code Reusability
Angular offers a set of ready-to-use elements. However, it is tricky to get benefited from this opportunity due to the priority collisions and the namespaces. There is no as such limitation in case of React. The JS library empowers to use the code as you like, but it offers less ready-to-use opportunities when compared to Angular.

In case of Angular app development, when we bind values in HTML with the model, the JS framework creates a watcher for each binding so as to track changes in the DOM. Once the view updates, the framework compares the new value with the initial one and runs the $digest loop. This loop analyzes not only the changed value, but also other values that are being tracked via watchers. This reduces the app performance with an increase in the number of watchers. The React, on the other side, works with a one-way data binding rule and does not employ watchers to track the changes. Thus, a React-based application works faster and effective than that developed via Angular front-end app development.
Besides, the AngularJS applies changes directly to the real DOM while React works with virtual DOM, which further has an impact on the app performance.

In case of React.js app development, the written code is logically structured and readable. And the reason behind is that the React JS library does not have any hard and fast rule to write code in a particular fashion. It is recommended to use JSX for creating classes and templates, but you can also opt plain JavaScript and HTML for the same. Angular, on the other side, does not offer such kind of freedom.

How to Decide Which JS Framework to Pick?

Both the React and Angular Javascript frameworks offer a complete package of services for mobile app development for startups, small-cap agencies, and established brands. None of them is worse or better than the other in the complete sense. So, it is tough to decide which one is the winner of this React vs Angular battle.

The better approach is to consider performance, budget, complexity, and other such factors while comparing React vs Angular for your app needs. Or, another approach is to test the two frameworks based on the situation. As per my market experience, these are the circumstances when you should decide to add React or Angular into your front app development process:

When to Use Angular.js Framework

1. Angular is the right JavaScript framework for your app project when:
2. your application is compatible with browsers older than IE8
the complexity level is low to medium.

When to Use React JavaScript Framework

It is better to pick React for your front-end development when:
1. there are several dynamic contents in your app inside the view.

Still confused? Wish to know further about these two JavaScript frameworks? Consult with the experts now.

React or Angular: How to Pick One Among these Popular JavaScript Frameworks?
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