The Software development industry is rapidly growing, and it didn’t see much recession even in the lockdown. People are using different software to perform different tasks, and hence the demand for software development has increased since its inception. We see new software in the market everyday to perform our daily tasks. There are mobile apps, desktop software, a lot of SaaS, and a lot of software that make our life easier.

Among all the development technologies, NodeJS is quite trending for the last few years. NodeJS Development is quite popular to build things, and the demand for nodeJS Developers is increasing day by day. But why are people so crazy about NodeJS Development? There must be some reasons why people hire NodeJS Developers and build their software applications based on NodeJS.

Why NodeJS Development?

Here are some of the handy features of NodeJS Framework.

Node Package Manager

Node Package Manager is one of the best things about NodeJS. The NPM is constantly growing, and it provides regular updates that make the development work easier. So, we consider the NPM as the best reason to choose NodeJS Development.

Efficient I/O Management

NodeJS Development provides you with efficient I/O management capabilities. When an application is built with NodeJS, it can easily handle a lot of input and output transactions without any glitch. Its efficient I/O management capability is another great thing about NodeJS.


Another great thing about NodeJS is its micro-services. Code maintenance becomes easy, as these micro-services aim to support the no-server approach, making your app faster. So, you get great performance when you choose NodeJS Development.

Vibrant Community

There are a lot of NodeJS developers all over the world, and if you are stuck somewhere while developing your application, there are many NodeJS community members who will come to your rescue. You can ask your questions on NodeJS Development in the NodeJS community, and many developers voluntarily answer your questions and doubts.

There are many more reasons to choose NodeJS as your development technology, but we will discuss some NodeJS Development trends for 2021 here.

NodeJS Development Trends for 2021

These trends have made NodeJS Development so popular, and here we are showcasing some of the best trends that made NodeJS popular.

Serverless Architecture

< The serverless architecture of NodeJS is quite an impressive thing, and it allows you to create an application without worrying about server maintenance. You will not have many dependencies on hardware and servers when your app is built with NodeJS. This trend made NodeJS quite famous, and those who have embraced the NodeJS framework have not to worry about server maintenance and such things because of the serverless architecture of NodeJS. You get the following benefits when you choose a serverless technology: 1. Better Code Quality
2. Time-Saving
3. Code Module Reusability
4. Reduced Project Costs


NodeJS also allows you to scale your apps to a maximum extent. When your app is built with NodeJS, it facilitates load balancing among multiple servers and delivers the right output through smaller modules that work precisely according to our needs. This scalability enables our applications to process multiple requests simultaneously.

So, you get quite some scalability that allows your app to balance the server load effectively and handle multiple requests simultaneously. This is another trend that will make NodeJS a famous technology to develop software applications.

Improved Response Time

The app gets a faster response time when it is built with NodeJS. Whenever you request to get the data from the app, NodeJS will fetch you a faster response, making your app faster. So, it gives your app a performance boost and improves customer experience when you choose NodeJS Development.

Get ready for faster app response time when you choose to go for NodeJS Development. You can hire NodeJS developers to build such apps with a faster response time.


GraphQL allows you to specify what data is needed exactly. GraphQL makes it easier for developers to aggregate data from multiple data sources. Due to its incredible capabilities, the popularity of GraphQL has grown a lot in a couple of years, and it will grow even more in the year 2021. So, in short, GraphQL will streamline the workflow on multiple platforms, and this is the reason it will make NodeJS popular in the year 2021.

Final Words

So, these are some NodeJS Development trends you shouldn’t miss in 2021, and these are the trends that have made NodeJS a popular JS Development framework worldwide. After looking at all the NodeJS trends, you too should try NodeJS development to develop your next business app or software application.

Top NodeJS Development Trends You Shouldn’t Miss in 2021
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