YouTube is undoubtedly fast becoming a very popular platform to share video content and earn with the popularity of the video. It has been a monopolous entity in this space for several years now and is only growing upward in terms of both reach and engagement. YouTube as a platform is pulling up 1.8 Billion global active users every month – a number, which when even a part of it is engaged in a constructive way, can turn anyone’s fortunes! If you have engaging content on your channel then for obvious you will get increased income with the time passes.

At YTBPals, we are interested not just in telling you YouTube subscriber hack online, but we also want to introduce you to the best of ideas and thoughts about monetizing YouTube, and hand holds you through your journey to success with your YouTube channel.

With that vision, we have started a campaign called #YouTubeRiches. We will be sharing with you concentrated ideas, along with a robust action plan to help you implement these ideas.

In that series, today we’ll be talking about: Earning through a DIY (DO IT YOURSELF) Channel on YouTube.

The Idea

In a world that is characterized by hectic schedules and lack of time, where we reaching out to people, availing services and getting things done by a third party becomes a big task in itself. DIY is fast becoming the craze. DIY, if you don’t know, is “Do It Yourself”.

People these days are looking for shortcuts and the on-the-go solutions to their problems. Anything that saves their time, and reduces their effort is bound to strike a chord with the masses. YouTube, as a video sharing platform with a massive reach, can be a very good medium to start dispensing the knowledge that is required and earn handsomely out of it. Starting a DIY channel with tips, tricks and shortcuts to amazing stuff is a very good idea today.

This particular niche is relatively fresh, lacks the competition that is prevalent in the regular niches. Plus, you can always showcase your creativity and give your campaigns an individual touch to stand out of any competition that you see as a threat.

As people like to watch creative and interesting content on video, DIY videos give full opportunity to attract and hold an audience.

The Approach

Along with having an amazing idea and a proper plan, implementation of the Idea is vital thing The approach you follow to implement your idea will determine whether you actually reach the point from where money can start flowing in, or not.

Here a few things about the approach, specific to starting a DIY Channel on YouTube and earn from it:

• Take a test:
Make sure that you have enough ideas to create videos that can sustain your channel for at least a few months, if not more. Do your research, and list down at least 50 such DIY ideas that you are going to create videos about. When you realize that, yes, there is enough content that you are aware of, you are good to get going.

• Getting ready:

Running a DIY channel on YouTube is going to require you to be well equipped technically. Acquire the necessary equipment that you will use to shoot your videos (which can be just a simple DSLR, to begin with), learn some cool video editing skills (or you can reach out to a professional!), get the scripts of your videos ready, and then dive straight into it!

• Creating high-quality content:

When you actually start creating DIY videos and posting them on YouTube that time it is important to focus on quality content rather than quantity of videos or length of each video. Even if you are posting one video per week, make sure that it looks good, the content is understandable, the audio is clear, and most importantly – adds some value to the viewers. Interesting, interacting and engaging content is preferable for the purpose. The content is the only thing with can hold the viewer or force them to do come back.

• Marketing your content:

Your videos simply lying on YouTube are not going to make it big. You need to market them across mediums and across platforms. Start spreading your content on social media, and make it discoverable on Google by indulging in mild SEO.


Once you are up and through, it is time to milk all your efforts and let the money come! You need to increase the subscribers to your channel. To get YouTube subscribers fast, you can use one of the many online tools available and also can share your video link with the contacts that have their YouTube account. With the increased number of views on your videos, you can put in ads over there, and that can be your first few bucks, and also the first step towards greater returns. You can also join the YouTube Partner Program to get the greatest advantage from your DIY channel.

So, start preparing for your DIY channel and enjoy great audience and income with less competitive niche!!

YouTube Channel Idea – Earning through a DIY Channel on YouTube
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