Around 24% of the web is powered by WordPress, it’s taking the internet into storm. And WordPress is now all set to turn that 24% into 50%. So what are the best WordPress plugins available?

As people these days are looking out to create a blog site and to build a more sustainable and functional site with WordPress, more and more people are looking out for some easier ways to handle the essentials. That’s where WordPress comes in action. These handy additions can literally do wonders for a blog, and some of the WordPress plugins are so popular that they have millions of downloads.

Here is the list of top 10 best WordPress plugins-

1) Akismet

Spam is the most irritating stuff. And spam comments in WordPress are the most irritating of all. So to save yourself from this major headache and to enjoy a hassle-free service Akismet is the must have WordPress plugin. This blog plugin helps filtering the comment spam, and has the ability to delete all the junk comments on its own. So you never really have to witness those digital trash.
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2) Google XML Sitemaps

No matter how good your SEO strategies are to boost your post ranking, but you might have no idea that your site itself is causing the biggest blockage for its ranking. And the best solution of this issue is a sitemap. And the Google XML Sitemap is the best WordPress plugin to provide your site what it exactly need. With the creation of XML Sitemap it becomes much easier for the Google to crawl and read, and thus it results into your site ranking higher than before.
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3) Contact Form 7

It’s one of the simple yet most important WordPress plugin to create different kind of contact forms. In Contact Form 7 you are allowed to add different forms and give them different names. You can also make some of the boxes as “required” with this plugin, for example the e-mail and the phone number box. No special CSS coding required.
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4) Jetpack by

Jetpack has a sort one-and-done idea that it is built on, making it one of the most necessary and must have WordPress plugin.
There are over 30 modules than can be activated to help you run a fast and glitch free site:

● Related Posts
● A picture CDN known as Photon
● Site Stats

And quite a few more in the list. You need to have a account to use and connect the blog and plugin to your site, but this plugin is worth that extra step.
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5) WooCommerce

This WordPress plugin has certainly revolutionized e-commerce plugins for WordPress. It made the most difficult aspects of creating and running an online store with WP, as easy as possible. All it takes is just some learning and the other supporting companies and the plugins add a lot in terms of its popularity.
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6) Wordfence Security-

Though your WordPress site is locked with a set of passwords, but that cannot be considered to be the best form of security. Many people understand and have accepted the need to have proper security measures and that’s why so many flocks to Wordfence. This security WordPress plugin do have features like blocking malicious networks, scanning vulnerabilities, scanning more metrics that makes your site to be attacked easily and so many more features. So, there is no doubt that why it is the most loved and most used WordPress plugin.
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7) Yoast SEO

We all know it so well, the importance of SEO, over a period of time our thoughts regarding SEO has changed, but a lot of things have stayed important like- creating content that is Google search optimized. However, creating a perfect content is a difficult task to do when you have no idea about what you’ve done right and what you’ve done wrong. And that’s where Yoast SEO plays the role. Instead of being left to guess, if you’ve optimized your content correctly, then the plugin helps you in every further steps. And if you use this plugin then you can skip the extra XML sitemap plugins, because Yoast takes care of that too.
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8) Regenerate Thumbnails

Blurry images is a big NO! Just imagine, you decided to change themes to give it a better look but then you realised that your featured images and thumbnails look terrible. Then all you need to do is to switch to Regenerate Thumbnail plugin. When you use this WordPress blog Plugin it will regenerate your media as required.
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9) WP Super Cache

Every Company knows the importance and impact of a fast and reliable website. Caching a WordPress site is something that is good for reliable and fast website. This WordPress plugin is easy to use and is easy to setup as well, and that’s why it is there in the list. Just install, activate, and configure the plugin and it’s all set to go.
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10) Google Analytics by Yoast

While working you might need to open more than one browser tab and then you get stuck with what it calls- screen overload. While running an online venture, you need to keep a check on a lot of things to keep the site run smoothly. And thankfully, the Google Analytics plugin by Yoast saves the need to open the extra browser tab. All you need to do is just install and setup the plugin, and you’ll be then able to view the analytics of your site right there in your WordPress dashboard.
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10 Best WordPress Plugins to Help You with Your Blog
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