Learning the art to speed up WordPress website has become mandatory for the webmasters.

Is your question a big Why?

This is because the website and individual page loading greatly influence visitors. If the page loads slowly to the browsers, people instantly switch to another one and if the situation is opposite, you may observe a drastic traffic on your website and that too with quality clicks and views. Now, you must have got the point that is why it is necessary to maintain the speed of WordPress for enhanced customer satisfaction and better growth.

In the race of making the websites user-friendly, webmasters overlook the most important factor “speed”, as a result websites are getting slower day by day. Basically, they act by keeping the misconception in mind that appealing design and excellent UX will cover the other aspects of websites and make it popular among customers. But, this is absolutely wrong as if they don’t make their websites faster exquisite design and user experience are of no use. Think about it, if users will not be able to enter in your slow websites, how could they experience your well-developed interface?

Therefore, it is suggested to make WordPress website fast in loading then only you can gain the advantage from other website aspects.

In order to gain profitable advantages try out some of the best ways that can gear up your WordPress website with a speedy performance. To reduce your hassle of searching for the proven ways, we have come up with a detailed blog where you can find different techniques to speed up your WordPress solution.

Choose A Reliable Web Host

Making a website run flawlessly entirely depends on the host you have selected for it. You probably must have chosen the best host for your website but, the host is capable enough to run after bearing so much load. Or it has the potential to provide fast speed to all the pages associated with the website? Make sure about it and if you think the host is not up to the mark, replace it with other suitable one and see the results in favor of you.

Utilize Appropriate Caching

Caching provides storage to posts and pages as static that is further transmitted to your servers by reducing the performance load. You can consider caching as the best method to speed up your WordPress website. If you are not getting the right way to cache the files, you can make it happen by installing WordPress caching plugins, utilizing browser caching and server-side caching.

Use A Robust Framework

Every WordPress website is based on a theme or framework which supports it throughout the operations. It is obvious that all the WP themes are developed differently to suit all business requirements. Now, it’s your turn to choose the theme or framework which is feature-rich and ensures fast loading every time a user accesses it. There is a new default Twenty Fifteen WordPress theme which can be used as the fastest framework to build speedy WordPress websites. To be honest, this theme has been widely used by most of the users due to the flexibility and performance enhancement nature.

Introduce Content Delivery Network

Content Delivery Network plays an extremely vital role in transmitting content to the desired servers. It is highly beneficial in improving a site’s rank up to great extent. CDN works by taking all the files such as JavaScript, CSS & Images and transmits them to the servers that are closer. This greatly results in reducing the content downloading time and ensures fast loading of requested pages. Apart from boosting speed, CDN facilitates visitors’ experience, bounce rates, staying time and conversions for the site.

Apply GZip Compression

As compressing CSS, web pages and JavaScript is the best way to ensure WordPress the desired speed. You can achieve this by implementing GZip strategy which enables accessing all the files in a compressed format before sending them to the browser.

Reduce WordPress Plugins

If you want to run your website fast and without any interruption, it is necessary that you release some memory of it. This will make it free and fast in speed. The best way to release the memory is to uninstall/delete unwanted plugins that are currently not in use. You can also do this in the context of database where you have the liberty to remove the unwanted data. Releasing memory is the core technique to make the site better in performance and speed.

Optimize Images

There is a study that around 56% of web pages contain heavy images that slow down the performance and entire site speed. Images are the major parts of a web page hence can’t be removed from there. In this case, smart image compression can be implemented here to make the images lightweight and fast to load. This is the best strategy to speed up a website without losing the essence of your appealing pages.

Final Thought:

Hope you found the stuff favorable in this blog. You can also search for other informational links to have some more techniques to speed up WordPress. By following this blog, you will also be able to improve the site experience for your users. You need not worry as implementing all the aforementioned tactics will only benefit your site in different manners.

Best Practices Webmasters Should Embrace to Speed Up WordPress Website
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