Font Icons opened new chances to add symbols and icons into a web page with no images. Icons or logos are tremendously effective since they have a broadly recognized significance. From time to time, icons may be more powerful than images to convey specific message.

Designers Round the world utilize font icons rather than .JPEG or even .PNG images on websites. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of icons in web design would genuinely allow you to make a better choice when you’re confused whether to choose icon or image.

Pros and Cons of Icons in Web Design

It’s seen that many contemporary websites now use font icons broadly. They are used for social networking icons and to signify the specific service or product they market. There are numerous advantages in using font icons rather than .PNG and .JPEG images.

Resize without Losing Quality

Contrary to images, font icons could be expanded and shrank without sacrificing quality. Images become pixelated while the size is loose and increased sharpness once the size is diminished. We could increase or reduce the size of icons into some extent; they can be clear and sharp.

Less Visual Weight

Apart from The true dimensions, the visual dimension of the icons can be quite less. This also enables the designer to create the site look airy and not as stuffed. When icons are utilized rather than images in the segments, it gets the segments more organized.

No longer Boring Shapes

Images create this offers a visual interest into the layout. Icons fonts are a terrific way to prevent the boring boxy designs. We could use symbols to represent some thought in lieu of a moderate sized image. Generally, images are utilized to create the website more interesting.

Better UI

Font icons changing texts icons makes user-interfaces more appealing. Website visitors already know the significance of a lot of the icons out there so there is absolutely no need to be concerned even if we eliminate the text.

Easy to Change Colors

We can anytime alter the colors of the icons onto a website and find out what works. This is a dull and time-consuming procedure. We can alter the colors of the icon fonts using CSS also it’s quite convenient. We could also try unique colors with all the developer tools.
We can even assign an alternate color to the icon to the mouse area. We’ll need to use a number of images to accomplish the exact same effect if we do not utilize fonts.

Design with CSS

We can design a icon font in most of the ways we could design text. This makes Altering the icons quite readily. If we utilize services such as font-awesome we can utilize hundreds of widely used icon fonts at no cost. We do not need to modify the files names or the route from the HTML altering icon fonts. We could add and alter icons by utilizing simple and brief CSS courses that’s quite convenient.

Reduce the Size of Web Pages

The document size of an whole icon set is the majority of the time significantly less than the document size of one moderate sized image. We could use icons to substitute several images in a web page and substantially lower the whole size of the webpage.

As soon as we use icons rather than images, there is just 1 HTTP request for many icons. Therefore, the usage of icons might have a substantial effect on the operation of a website.
Fundamentally, Icon sets enable us to create the websites load faster by reducing the amount of HTTP requests and record dimensions.

Although icon Fonts have a lot of advantages over images, they aren’t perfect. There are various things we cannot do to ribbon icons.

Font Icons are Less Detailed

There is no method to use several colors on a single icon. We’d need to use images or SVG to secure more detailed logos. Icon fonts are such as fonts and also we cannot add patterns or details on them.

Limited Number of Icons

Any icons Sets available today do not incorporate all symbols or icons from the world. They comprise just the widely used symbols and icons and we cannot locate icons fonts for what we want. We must use the very best fitting icons in the icons that are available. But, there are means to make icon fonts in almost any form tailored to our requirements but that’s overly complicated.


Final Words

Icon fonts and images are entirely different items and one cannot fully replace the other. Formerly we employed .PNG images as societal media icons but today we do not need to achieve that. Font icons are extremely effective and we ought to use that when possible. It can help to make the website appear more organized and enhance functionality.

The Pros and Cons of Icons in Web Design
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