To keep up with the competition, you will want your business website to be secure and interactive. Besides, it must be compelling. All these useful features make your website effective in attracting and keeping the customers. But how to choose the perfect way to, make it stable and easy to operate or manage? Well, it is possible. One of the popular solutions is to use the server-side scripting language PHP.

It is the language behind some powerful and well-known web applications across the world. For example, Facebook and WordPress. Without PHP language it is really difficult to develop the best website for your business. As the demand for the PHP is now increasing, most web developers are now moving toward PHP. The reason behind this is it offers many types of advantages.

Such as:
• It is very simple to use.
• PHP can be used for developing different platforms.
• It provides a greater flexibility.
• Scalability.
• PHP makes your website more secure and safe.
• It is one of the best open source languages.

Learning a new level of language can be very difficult but not impossible. With little guidance, you can acquire some useful knowledge about one of the most admired, robust programming languages and php development.

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1. Active the error reporting feature

As you are new to this language, before begin with this consider activating the error reporting feature. Once you activate it, instead of the blank screen, you will see useful error codes or message while working on a project. That will help you to identify the issue, and you can work efficiently. To enable error reporting feature, you can modify the php.ini file with display_errors=on. Besides, it will save your time as you don’t need to type thousands of lines to detect the error.

2. Know about different security practices

To deal with the latest security issues, all the website should be developed with best class security patches. For this you required to follow these two major rules:

• Don’t trust received data from other sources.
• Filter the data before sending to website or web application.

These help you to develop better security blocks like FIEO, which is called Filter Input and Escape Output. This feature protects the website from SQL injection. A little mistake can lead to a severe security breach.

3. Learn about ternary expression

In the process of php development, the ternary logic offers you an effective way to reduce the if-else code blocks. To simplify and use your codes without any issues, prefer to use ternary codes in place of IF constructions. This method will enhance your coding performance. With this, the codes will not only look shorter, but it will also be easier to use and maintain. You can easily move from novice level to upper level. This is the perfect way to deal with micro-optimizations.

4. Develop your codes

The fact is, while working with PHP, the final goal is here to build an effective interface for the codes. Before moving to the real work, sketch down your codes and data structure. It will give you an idea how the interface will look in the end.

5. Prefer to use OOP

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is an effective programming method which reduces the repetitions in the php development codes. These classes collected all the functions and combined them so that you can use those functions whenever you need without writing them again.

6. Be up-to-date about PHP

PHP is a widely used programing language. PHP receives many updates regularly to match with the requirements. If you want to become a good PHP developer, it’s important to stay up-to-date about the latest changes in PHP.

7. Try to use functions as much as you can

PHP comes with different types of functions, and it is true that many developers don’t even use them. But these functions can make your work much easier. These are not case sensitive, so there is no need to worry about while coding.

8. Use frameworks while working with PHP

Frameworks help the developer to streamline the application or website development process. It adds an effective structure to the development code which further makes it easier to develop more readable and better codes.

9. Built a master file

To simplify your coding process, you can merge all the codes and settings into one file. Then you can use the file with PHP scripts. With this, there is no need to do changes in different files.

10. Limit the PHP scripts

For every PHP developer, while doing php development, it is very important to set a certain time limit for your PHP scripts. A 30-second time limit is enough, and after the time limit, the script will stop working.

However, one thing that you should keep in your mind is you can’t become a good developer just by reading about PHP. So keep practicing as much as you can.

Top 10 Tips and Tricks for Php Developers
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